It's Time For Bible Camp!


Bible Camp Staff

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." Psalm 20:7

Kako Baptism

During Kako Family Camp, I flew in the main speaker, which was a six-hour round trip. And I also flew in eight families, which took about 2 hours round trip each. 

The winds were not kind to the incoming flights, with strong quartering tailwinds and bad turbulence. It was a very challenging environment, but we were thankful for the Lord's protection! Family Camp was smaller than normal because the flights had to be reduced due to the flying environment and crazy winds. 

It was a blessing to see that at the end of camp, the speaker, Lance, who had been giving an overview of the gospel from the Old and New Testaments, asked if anyone wanted to be baptized. Nineteen people chose to be baptized, including three adults. 

One of the adults who got baptized flew back with me as my 'co-pilot' (pictured on the left), who shared on his trip home from Kako that the Lord had preserved his life through two heart attacks and that God had been encouraging him in the midst of his health troubles.

I utilized my flight instructor rating to check out another missionary pilot, Billy, who is also flying for Bible Camp. Billy has a lot of flight experience but needed ten hours of dual instruction in the Cherokee Six aircraft to be covered by his insurance policy. We also practiced numerous landings locally and up at Kokrine Hills. 

The staff for the High School Camp at Kokrine Hills Bible Camp was flown in on Tuesday from Nenana, AK. The group of counselors in the picture at the top of the page are college students from the Master's University in California. Please keep them in your prayers this week as they are ministering to the High School Campers.

I flew in two groups of High School campers from Buckland, AK. I actually had two brothers from one family, one on each of his flights. It was the younger brother's first experience at camp. Pray that this week they will be encouraged and challenged by the Good News of Jesus Christ!