To donate, either fill out the donor mail-in form below and mail it to Central Missionary Clearinghouse, or create an account with CMC on the Click and Give website to give online.
Mail in A Donation
Mail your gift along with the completed form to this address:
PO BOX 219228
HOUSTON TX 77218-9228
Note: Processing fee for mail in checks is $2.50.
Give Online
Click the button below and create an account on the Click n Give website to give online.
Note: The processing fee for online donations is 3%.
PLEASE READ: Contributions to CMC are qualified for Federal income tax deduction as allowed by law. All deductible contributions, whether designated or not, are under the control of CMC. We are committed to honor all designations, and if any designation is unacceptable, the donation will be returned.
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”