Our Faithful God
Dear Friends and Family,
This past year was a whirlwind for us. But through all of the camps, work, ministry trips, and simply living life, we have learned of God’s faithfulness. He greatly blessed our efforts to serve Him. And despite the challenges and our personal weaknesses, He guided us through it all.
Summer Flying
In 2023, Jeff flew more than he ever had before during our seven years in Alaska. There were four camps at Kokrine, two in Kako, and one in McGrath. Adding everything together, he flew more than 19,000 miles to airports all across Alaska!
The first camp our whole family went to was Kako’s Family Camp in May. We had a great time there preparing the camp for our guests and spending time with the villagers when they arrived.
In the summer, Jeff flew for four weeks at Kokrine Hills Bible Camp. The whole family stayed at Kokrine for two of those weeks and at a campground in Nenana for the other two weeks. At Kokrine, the theme is “What Kind of Camp is This? Bible Camp!” And because of the encouragement Ellesha received at Camp about the importance of reading your Bible daily, she has committed to reading her Bible every day since then.
During Bible Camp at Kokrine, there was a camper who was severely ill on a flight. Jeff diverted the plane to village along the way for some medical advice. While on the ground one of the campers said, “You really care, don’t you?” Yes, we all love these campers getting to hear the Gospel at camp. “We love because he first loved us (1 Jn 4:19).”
In July, we thought Bible Camp season was over. But Jonathan at Kako Retreat Center requested help for their Ladies Berry Picking Retreat. So, the whole family flew out to Western Alaska again in August where we got to serve a bunch of ladies and had lots of fun.
In between the other camps, Jeff also flew for a “Gathering” in McGrath. A Gathering is a Christian retreat for believers in the interior of Alaska.
While it was great helping with so many camps, it was also extremely exhausting. What we’ve discovered is that after every camp at Kokrine, almost all of the counselors get colds or fevers from extreme sleep deprivation. The kids like to keep the counselors up into the wee hours of the night, and the morning staff meeting is at 8am. It’s good to recoup from camp life during the fall and winter.
From Fall into Winter
Another big thing our family participated in last year was our church's Fall Festival. Our theme was Medieval Times, and we planned the games and booths around each piece of the Armor of God. Jeff wrote a Pilgrim's Progress puppet show mixed with the pieces from the Armor of God. And Johnathan put the whole thing together with a crew of volunteers from church. It was quite the production.
We are also happy to inform you that our family had no major medical issues in 2023. However, Jeff recently had another slip on the ice and is having some lower back pain from a re-injured lumbar disc. He is hoping a cortisone injection will alleviate the problem.
Winter so far can be summarized in five words: snow, snow, and more snow. November was the snowiest month on record. That means we got the most snowfall ever since people started recording it in the Mat-Su Valley a century ago. Because of this, we’ve been busy cleaning all of our many airplanes. There never seems to be an end to it!
Spiritual Depression
Recently, Jeff has been reading a book called Spiritual Depression by Martin Lloyd Jones. Oftentimes, in ministry, it is easy to become focused on your own performance rather than your relationship with God. This causes, Jones says, a spiritual form of depression.
If you look at the Psalms, you will see that many times, David is not happy. “I am weary with my moaning; every night I flood my bed with tears; I drench my couch with my weeping (Ps. 6:6).” But what is the solution? Looking further, David says, “The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord accepts my prayer (Ps. 6:9).” First, David tells himself the truth that the Lord has heard him. Once he remembered the truth, then he could rest in it and have faith. And then that faith produced the hope that all his “enemies shall be ashamed (Ps. 6:10).”
Additionally, Jones advises us to remember the greatness of the Gospel. Get back to the basics. Remember the Good News: Christ has done it all. Only then can spiritual depression be conquered.
Key Ideas from Spiritual Depression
On Spiritual Living: “The main art in the matter of spiritual living is to know how to handle yourself. You have to take yourself in hand, you have to address yourself, preach to yourself, question yourself.” (cf. Ps. 42:5, 11) “Though he slay me, I will hope in him (Job 13:15).”
God Works for Our Good: “God is in this and God is doing this to me because I am His child…. God is in this, and it is all being done for my good.” (cf. Heb 12:5-11)
God Gives Strength: “I find I am very feeble,” says Paul, “my energy seems to flag and sometimes I feel I have no life blood in me at all. But, you know, because of this relationship, I find He infuses [strength] into me…. Oh, how much He gives me!” (cf. Phil 4:13)
Last Year, Next Year
So, this past year, through the flying, camps, traveling, church events, school, work, and fellowship, God was faithful. And in this next year, 2024, we will focus on our life in Christ, knowing that He hears our prayers and guides our steps day by day. God has been faithful, and He will continue to be faithful.
Living by faith is challenging. We can relate to the disciples' doubts as the waves swamped their boat. But we are just as amazed to see His mighty hand move to provide beyond our expectations. Our God is faithful, providing generously for the Gospel to be preached to the ends of the earth.
“He said to them, ‘Where is your faith?’ And they were afraid, and they marveled, saying to one another, ‘Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, and they obey him?’” - Luke 8:25
God bless.
Prayer Requests
Pray that God will provide a hanger to protect the planes from the harsh weather.
Ask that many would come to know the Lord during this upcoming camp season.
That we would continually remind ourselves of the truth.