Visiting Buckland
Our team
Flying to Buckland
From August 10-12, my dad and I flew Pastor Dan, his wife Lori, and John Sherman, an elder, of Wildwood Bible Church to Buckland so they could see how they could help support the building and shepherding of a church in Buckland.
While we were in the interior, we stayed at Kokrine Hills Bible Camp. It was strange being there with no one else except our little team. (Roger and Carol were spending the night in Buckland.) Usually, it feels like you're in a small village!
The day after we arrived at Camp, we flew to Buckland. Sadly, we got there much later than we wanted to. The smoke was heavy in the morning, so we couldn't see well enough to get the airplane off the ground. And there was an unusual amount of thunderstorms in the area.
Seeing the Village
Once we arrived, we had a great time. Roger picked us up in a truck and gave us a tour of the whole village. After that, he dropped us off at the Buckland school where there was a VBS taking place.
Many of the kids who come to Camp are from Buckland, and I really enjoyed getting to see all of them again. They introduced me to their parents, and I got to meet some of their friends.
After about an hour, VBS took a break, and Joey came up front to give the older kids a message. Joey Katches is the director for many of the kid's camps at Kokrine Hills. Actually, the reason why many Bucklanders come to Camp is because he used to live in Buckland as a missionary.
Joey Katches
In a podcast Billy Tjernlund made with Joey, Joey said, "[We went to] Buckland on a winter trip and we fell in love with the community. We said, 'Man, we love the people here. This feels like home. We want to move here and preach the Word of God.'" So, they moved to Buckland. And they were there for three and a half years until Joey started having problems.
One night, Joey had a severe asthma attack and was taken to a hospital. After investigating the issue, the doctors decided that it was caused by black mold in Joey's house, and told him that if he moved back there he would die. Because of this, Joey and his family moved to his home state of California, where Joey started a video production company called Story Lit Films. And while he still directs camp in the summer, Joey wants to move back to Buckland.
"Recently, as of last year and this year," Joey said, "we've been talking about potentially moving back to Alaska…. I've always said, that if the door to Buckland opens back up, I would drop my camera like Peter dropped his nets... and he jumped in the water and went right back to Christ.... I always tell Amanda [Joey's wife] if the Lord opens that door, we're dropping our nets and we're going."
The End
There's so much more I could tell you about our trip, but I think I've given you a pretty good picture of what it was like.
Please pray that Joey can find a place to live in the lacking Buckland housing market, so they can begin to do ministry work there again. And also pray that God would move in the hearts of the people of Buckland and that he would provide a place for the church to meet.
Above are the kids from Bible Camp that I got to see in Buckland (including Jaelyn on the right, who was featured in the last newsletter). Almost all these kids appear in my Kokrine Hills video.
Amanda, Joey's wife, is in the center.
A view of the smoky horizon with Roger and Carol's house in the foreground at Kokrine Hills Bible Camp.
Johnathan in the back of a truck, touring the village of Buckland.
Joey preaching the word to a group of teenagers in Buckland's school.
A group of village kids doing the motions to a song at a VBS in the school.