Alaska, an amazing rugged landscape, wonderfully showing God’s glory. As the largest and one of the least developed states in the union, reaching Alaska’s people is difficult.
Seeing this need, we, the Kirsches, have started a mission called Soaring For Christ; flying the gospel, making disciples, and training pilots.
Because large numbers of people live in isolated villages, found in the remote bush, travel between them is often accomplished through the use of small planes.
The Lord has provided four pilots to man our fleet: Jeff, Billy, Jason, and Mike. Each spring we fly for KAKO Bible Camp located near Russian Mission, about 350 miles west of our home in Big Lake, AK. We support the family camp which flies in many families from the neighboring villages in western Alaska to be refreshed through the preaching of the gospel, the fellowship of the saints, and gathering together around the table. However, most of the work is done for Kokrine Hills Bible Camp, situated in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness along the mighty Yukon.
In our aircraft, we fly kids from the surrounding villages and bring them to the week long camps at Kokrine. For each of the four camps, kids and staff need to be brought in and taken out at the beginning and end of each camp. At camp, kids enjoy their time singing, playing games, crafting, hearing Bible lessons, talking and hanging out. Oh, and don’t forget eating.
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’” (Isaiah 52:7 ESV )